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- Building Software Packages for Linux
- Mendel Leo Cooper <mailto:thegrendel@theriver.com>
- http://personal.riverusers.com/~thegrendel/
- v1.52, 27 December 1997
- This is a comprehensive guide to building "generic" UNIX software dis¡
- tributions under Linux.
- 1. Introduction
- Many software packages for the various flavors of UNIX, including
- Linux, are distributed as compressed archives of source files. The
- same package may be "built" to run on different target machines, and
- this saves the author of the software from having to produce multiple
- distributions. A single distribution of a software package may thus
- end up running, in various incarnations, on an Intel box, a DEC Alpha,
- a RISC workstation, or even a mainframe. Unfortunately, this puts the
- responsibility of actually "building" the software on the end user,
- the de facto "system administrator", the fellow sitting at the
- keyboard... you. Take heart, though, the process is not nearly as
- terrifying or mysterious as it seems, as this guide will demonstrate.
- 2. Getting Started
- You have downloaded or otherwise acquired a software package. Most
- likely it is archived (tarred) and compressed (gzipped), in .tar.gz or
- .tgz form. First copy it to a working directory. Then untar and gunzip
- it. The appropriate command for this is tar xzvf filename, where
- filename is the name of the software file, of course. The de-
- archiving process will usually install the appropriate files in
- subdirectories it will create. Note that if the package name has a .Z
- suffix, it will require uncompress PACKAGENAME, then tar xvf
- PACKAGENAME rather than the above procedure.
- Sometimes the archived file must be untarred and installed from the
- user's home directory, or perhaps in a certain other directory, as
- specified in the package's config info. Should you get an error
- message attempting to untar it, this may be the reason. Read the
- package docs, especially the README and/or Install files, if present,
- and edit the config files and/or Makefiles as necessary, consistent
- with the installation instructions. Note that you would not ordinarily
- alter the Imake file, since this could have unforseen consequences.
- Some software packages permit automating this process by running make
- install to emplace the binaries in the appropriate system areas.
- Occasionally, you may need to update or incorporate bug fixes into the
- unarchived source files using a patch file that lists the changes.
- The doc files and/or README file will inform you should this be the
- case. The normal syntax for invoking Larry Wall's powerful patch
- utility is patch < patchfile.
- You may now proceed to the build stage of the process.
- 3. Using Make
- The Makefile is the key to the build process. In its simplest form, a
- Makefile is a script for compiling or building the "binaries", the
- executable portions of a package. The Makefile can also provide a
- means of updating a software package without having to recompile every
- single source file in it, but that is a different story (or a
- different article).
- At some point, the Makefile launches cc or gcc. This is actually a
- preprocessor, a C (or C++) compiler, and a linker, invoked in that
- order. This process converts the source into the binaries, the actual
- executables.
- Invoking make usually involves just typing make. This generally builds
- all the necessary executable files for the package in question.
- However, make can also do other tasks, such as installing the files in
- their proper directories (make install)and removing stale object files
- (make clean). Running make -n permits previewing the build process,
- as it prints out all the commands that would be triggered by a make,
- without actually executing them.
- Only the simplest software uses a generic Makefile. More complex
- installations require tailoring the Makefile according to the location
- of libraries, include files, and resources on your particular machine.
- This is especially the case when the build needs the X11 libraries to
- install. Imake and xmkmf accomplish this task.
- An Imakefile is, to quote the man page, a "template" Makefile. The
- imake utility constructs a Makefile appropriate for your system from
- the Imakefile. In almost all cases, however, you would run xmkmf, a
- shell script that invokes imake, a front end for it. Check the README
- or INSTALL file included in the software archive for specific
- instructions. Read the imake and xmkmf man pages for a more detailed
- analysis of the procedure..
- Be aware that xmkmf and make may need to be invoked as root,
- especially when doing a make install to move the binaries over to the
- /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin directories. Using make as an ordinary
- user without root privileges will likely result in write access denied
- error messages because you lack write permission to system
- directories. Check also that the binaries created have the proper
- execute permissions for you and any other appropriate users.
- Invoking xmkmf uses the Imake file to build a new Makefile appropriate
- for your system. You would normally invoke xmkmf with the -a argument,
- to automatically do a make Makefiles, make includes, and make depend.
- This sets the variables and defines the library locations for the
- compiler and linker. Sometimes, there will be no Imake file, instead
- there will be an INSTALL or configure script that will accomplish this
- purpose. Note that if you run configure, it should be invoked as
- ./configure to ensure that the correct configure script in the current
- directory is called. In most cases, the README file included with the
- distribution will explain the install procedure.
- It is usually a good idea to visually inspect the Makefile that xmkmf
- or one of the install scripts builds. The Makefile will normally be
- correct for your system, but you may occasionally be required to
- "tweak" it or correct errors manually.
- Your general installation procedure will therefore be:
- ╖ Read the README file and other applicable docs.
- ╖ Run xmkmf -a, or the INSTALL or configure script.
- ╖ Check the Makefile.
- ╖ If necessary, run make clean, make Makefiles, make includes, and
- make depend.
- ╖ Run make.
- ╖ Check file permissions.
- ╖ If necessary, run make install.
- 4. Troubleshooting
- If xmkmf and/or make succeeded without errors, you may proceed to the
- ``next section''. However, in "real life", few things work right the
- first time. This is when your resourcefulness is put to the test.
- 4.1. Link Errors
- ╖ Suppose make fails with a Link error: -lX11: No such file or
- directory, even after xmkmf has been invoked. This may mean that
- the Imake file was not set up properly. Check the first part of the
- Makefile for lines such as:
- LIB= -L/usr/X11/lib
- INCLUDE= -I/usr/X11/include/X11
- LIBS= -lX11 -lc -lm
- The -L and -I switches tell the compiler and linker where to look for
- the library and include files, respectively. In this example, the X11
- libraries should be in the /usr/X11/lib directory, and the X11 include
- files should be in the /usr/X11/include/X11 directory. If this is
- incorrect for your machine, make the necessary changes to the Makefile
- and try the make again.
- ╖ In a very few cases, running ldconfig as root may be the solution:
- # /etc/ldconfig -n /lib will update the shared library symbolic
- links. This should not be necessary under normal circumstances.
- ╖ Yet another thing to try if xmkmf fails is the following script:
- make -DUseInstalled -I/usr/X386/lib/X11/config
- ╖ Sometimes the source needs the older release X11R5 libraries to
- build. If you have the R5 libs in /usr/X11R6/lib (you were given
- the option of having them when first installing Linux), then you
- need only ensure that you have the links that the software needs to
- build. The R5 libs are named libX11.so.3.1.0, libXaw.so.3.1.0, and
- libXt.so.3.1.0. You generally need links, such as libX11.so.3 ->
- libX11.so.3.1.0. Possibly the software will also need a link of the
- form libX11.so -> libX11.so.3.1.0. Of course, to create a
- "missing" link, use the command ln -s libX11.so.3.1.0 libX11.so, as
- root.
- ╖ Some packages will require you to install updated versions of one
- or more libraries. For example, the StarOffice suite from
- StarDivision GmbH is notorious for needing a libc version 5.4.4 or
- greater. As root, you would need to copy one or more libraries to
- the appropriate directories, remove the old libraries, then reset
- the symbolic links.
- Caution: Exercise extreme care in this, as you can render your
- system nonfunctional if you screw up.
- You can usually find updated libraries at Sunsite
- <ftp://sunsite.unc.edu>.
- 4.2. Other Problems
- ╖ An installed Perl or shell script gives you a No such file or
- directory error message. In this case, check the file permissions
- to make sure the file is executable and check the file header to
- ascertain whether the shell or program invoked by the script is in
- the place specified. For example, the scrip may begin with:
- #!/usr/local/bin/perl
- If Perl is in fact installed in your /usr/bin directory instead of the
- /usr/local/bin one, then the script will not run. There are two meth¡
- ods of correcting this. The script file header may be changed to
- #!/usr/bin/perl, or a symbolic link to the correct directory may be
- added, ln -s /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/perl.
- ╖ Some X11 software requires the Motif libraries to build. The
- standard Linux distributions do not have the Motif libraries
- installed, and at present Motif costs an extra $100-$200 (though
- the freeware Lesstif <http://www.lesstif.org/> also works in many
- cases). If you need Motif to build a certain package, but lack the
- Motif libraries, it may be possible to obtain statically linked
- binaries. Static linking incorporates the library routines in the
- binaries themselves. This results in much larger binary files, but
- the code will run on systems lacking the libraries.
- ╖ Running a configure script creates a strange Makefile, one
- seemingly unrelated to the package you are attempting to build.
- This means the wrong configure ran, one found somewhere else in
- your path. Always invoke configure as ./configure to prevent this.
- ╖ Some programs require having setuid root, in order to run with root
- privileges. The command to implement this is chmod u+s filename, as
- root (note that the program must already be owned by root). This
- has the effect of setting the setuid bit in the file permissions.
- This issue comes up when the program accesses the system hardware,
- such as a modem or CD ROM drive, or when the SVGA libs are invoked
- from console mode, as in one particularly notorious emulation
- package. If a program works when run by root, but gives access
- denied error messages to an ordinary user, suspect this as the
- cause.
- Warning: A program with setuid as root may pose a security risk to
- your system. The program runs with root privileges and thus has the
- potential for doing significant damage. Make certain that you know
- what the program does, by looking at the source if necessary,
- before setting the setuid bit.
- 4.3. Tweaking and fine tuning
- You may wish to examine the Makefile to make certain that the best
- compilation options for your system are invoked. For example, setting
- the -O2 flag chooses the highest level of optimization and the -fomit-
- frame-pointer flag results in a smaller binary (though debugging will
- then be disabled). Do not play around with this unless you know what
- you are doing, and in any case, until after a trial build works.
- 4.4. Where to go for more help
- In my experience, perhaps 25% of applications build "right out of the
- box". Another 50% or so can be "persuaded" to build with an effort
- ranging from trivial to herculean. That still means a significant
- number of packages will not build no matter what. Even then, the Intel
- ELF and/or a.out binaries for these might possibly be found at Sunsite
- <ftp://sunsite.unc.edu>, the TSX-11 archive <ftp://tsx-11.mit.edu> or
- other places. Perhaps the author of the software can supply the
- binaries compiled for your particular flavor of machine.
- Note that if you obtain precompiled binaries, you will need to check
- for compatibility with your system:
- ╖ The binaries must run on your hardware (i.e., Intel x86).
- ╖ The binaries must be compatible with your kernel (i.e., a.out or
- ELF).
- ╖ Your libraries must be up to date.
- If all else fails, you may find help in the appropriate newsgroups,
- such as comp.os.linux.x or comp.os.linux.development. Once in a
- while, though, you are just plain out of luck, but hey, it was fun
- trying.
- 5. Final Steps
- Read the software package documentation to determine whether certain
- environmental variables need setting (in .bashrc or .cshrc) and if the
- .Xdefaults and .Xresources files need customizing.
- There may be an applications default file, usually named Xfoo.ad in
- the original Xfoo distribution. If so, edit the Xfoo.ad file to
- customize it for your machine, then rename (mv) it Xfoo and install it
- in the /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults directory, as root. Failure to do
- this may cause the software to behave strangely or even refuse to run.
- Most software packages come with one or more preformatted man pages.
- As root, copy the Xfoo.man file to the appropriate /usr/man directory
- (man1 - man9), and rename it accordingly. For example, if Xfoo.man
- ends up in /usr/man/man4, it should be renamed Xfoo.4 (mv Xfoo.man
- Xfoo.4). By convention, user commands go in man1, games in man6, and
- administration packages in man8 (see the man docs for more details).
- Of course, you may deviate from this on your own system, if you like.
- Some packages will not install the binaries in the appropriate system
- directories, that is, they are missing the install option in the
- Makefile. Should this be the case, you can install the binaries
- manually by copying the binaries to the usr/local/bin directory, as
- root.
- Note that some or all of the above procedures should, in most cases,
- be handled automatically by a make install. If so, the README or
- INSTALL doc file will specify this.
- 6. First Example: Xscrabble
- Matt Chapman's Xscrabble seemed like a program that would be
- interesting to have, since I happen to be an avid Scrabble[TM] player.
- I downloaded it, uncompressed it, and built it following the
- procedure in the README file:
- xmkmf
- make Makefiles
- make includes
- make
- Of course it did not work...
- ______________________________________________________________________
- gcc -o xscrab -O2 -O -L/usr/X11R6/lib
- init.o xinit.o misc.o moves.o cmove.o main.o xutils.o mess.o popup.o
- widgets.o display.o user.o CircPerc.o
- -lXaw -lXmu -lXExExt -lXext -lX11 -lXt -lSM -lICE -lXExExt -lXext -lX11
- -lXpm -L../Xc -lXc
- BarGraf.o(.text+0xe7): undefined reference to `XtAddConverter'
- BarGraf.o(.text+0x29a): undefined reference to `XSetClipMask'
- BarGraf.o(.text+0x2ff): undefined reference to `XSetClipRectangles'
- BarGraf.o(.text+0x375): undefined reference to `XDrawString'
- BarGraf.o(.text+0x3e7): undefined reference to `XDrawLine'
- etc.
- etc.
- etc...
- ______________________________________________________________________
- I enquired about this in the comp.os.linux.x newsgroup, and someone
- kindly pointed out that apparently the Xt, Xaw, Xmu, and X11 libs were
- not being found at the link stage. Hmmm...
- There were two main Makefiles, and the one in the src directory caught
- my interest. One line in the Makefile defined LOCAL_LIBS as:
- references to the libs not being found by the linker.
- Looking for the next reference to LOCAL_LIBS, I saw on line 495 of
- that Makefile:
- Now what were these LDLIBS?
- SYS_LIBRARIES = -lXpm -L../Xc -lXc
- Yes! Here were the missing libraries.
- Possibly the linker needed to see the LDLIBS before the LOCAL_LIBS...
- So, the first thing to try was to modify the Makefile by transposing
- the $(LOCAL_LIBS) and $(LDLIBS) on line 495, so it would now read:
- $(EXTRA_LOAD_FLAGS) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- I tried running make again with the above change, and lo and behold,
- it worked this time. Of course, Xscrabble still needed some fine
- tuning and twiddling, such as renaming the dictionary and commenting
- out some assert statements in one of the source files, but since then
- it has provided me with many hours of pleasure.
- You may e-mail Matt Chapman <mailto:matt@belgarath.demon.co.uk>, and
- download Xscrabble from his home page
- <http://www.belgarath.demon.co.uk/programs/index.html>.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Scrabble is a registered trademark of the Milton Bradley Co., Inc.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- 7. Second Example: Xloadimage
- This example poses an easier problem. The xloadimage program seemed a
- useful addition to my set of graphic tools. I copied the xloadi41.gz
- file directly from the source directory on the CD included with the
- excellent ``X User Tools'' book, by Mui and Quercia. As expected, tar
- xzvf unarchives the files. The make, however, produces a nasty-
- looking error and terminates.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- gcc -c -O -fstrength-reduce -finline-functions -fforce-mem
- -fforce-addr -DSYSV -I/usr/X11R6/include
- -DSYSPATHFILE=\"/usr/lib/X11/Xloadimage\" mcidas.c
- In file included from /usr/include/stdlib.h:32,
- from image.h:23,
- from xloadimage.h:15,
- from mcidas.c:7:
- /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/2.6.3/include/stddef.h:215:
- conflicting types for `wchar_t'
- /usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xlib.h:74: previous declaration of
- `wchar_t'
- make[1]: *** [mcidas.o] Error 1
- make[1]: Leaving directory
- `/home/thegrendel/tst/xloadimage.4.1'
- make: *** [default] Error 2
- ______________________________________________________________________
- The error message contains the essential clue.
- Looking at the file image.h, line 23...
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #include <stdlib.h>
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Aha, somewhere in the source for xloadimage, wchar_t has been rede¡
- fined from what was specified in the standard include file, stdlib.h.
- Let us first try commenting out line 23 in image.h, as perhaps the
- stdlib.h include is not, after all, necessary.
- At this point, the build proceeds without any fatal errors. The
- xloadimage program functions correctly now.
- 8. Third Example: Fortune
- This final example requires some knowledge of C programming. The
- majority of Linux software is written in C, and learning at least a
- little bit of C would certainly be an asset for anyone serious about
- software installation.
- The notorious fortune program displays up a humorous saying, a
- "fortune cookie", every time Linux boots up. Unfortunately (pun
- intended), attempting to build fortune on a Red Hat distribution with
- a 2.0.30 kernel generates fatal errors.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- ~/fortune# make all
- gcc -O2 -Wall -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -c fortune.c -o
- fortune.o
- fortune.c: In function `add_dir':
- fortune.c:551: structure has no member named `d_namlen'
- fortune.c:553: structure has no member named `d_namlen'
- make[1]: *** [fortune.o] Error 1
- make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/thegrendel/for/fortune/fortune'
- make: *** [fortune-bin] Error 2
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Looking at fortune.c, the pertinent lines are these.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- if (dirent->d_namlen == 0)
- continue;
- name = copy(dirent->d_name, dirent->d_namlen);
- ______________________________________________________________________
- We need to find the structure dirent, but it is not declared in the
- fortune.c file, nor does a grep dirent show it in any of the other
- source files. However, at the top of fortune.c, there is the following
- line.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #include <dirent.h>
- ______________________________________________________________________
- This appears to be a system library include file, therefore, the
- logical place to look for dirent.h is in /usr/include. Indeed, there
- does exist a dirent.h file in /usr/include, but that file does not
- contain the declaration of the dirent structure. There is, however, a
- reference to another dirent.h file.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- #include <linux/dirent.h>
- ______________________________________________________________________
- At last, going to /usr/include/linux/dirent.h, we find the structure
- declaration we need.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- struct dirent {
- long d_ino;
- __kernel_off_t d_off;
- unsigned short d_reclen;
- char d_name[256]; /* We must not include
- limits.h! */
- };
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Sure enough, the structure declaration contains no d_namelen, but
- there are a couple of "candidates" for its equivalent. The most likely
- of these is d_reclen, since this structure member probably represents
- the length of something and it is a short integer. The other
- possibility, d_ino, could be an inode number, judging by its name and
- type. As a matter of fact, we are probably dealing with a "directory
- entry" structure, and these elements represent attributes of a file,
- its name, inode, and length (in blocks). This would seem to validate
- our guess.
- Let us edit the file fortune.c, and change the two d_namelen
- references in lines 551 and 553 to d_reclen. Try a make all again.
- Success. It builds without errors. We can now get our "cheap thrills"
- from fortune.
- 9. Where to Find Source Archives
- Now that you are eager to use your newly acquired knowledge to add
- utilities and other goodies to your system, you may find them online
- at the Linux Applications and Utilities Page
- <http://www.redhat.com/linux-info/linux-app-list/linapps.html>, or on
- one of the very reasonably priced CD ROM archives by Red Hat
- <http://www.redhat.com/>, InfoMagic <mailto:orders@infomagic.com>, and
- others.
- A comprehensive repository of source code is the comp sources UNIX
- archive <ftp://ftp.vix.com/pub/usenet/comp.sources.unix/>.
- Much UNIX source code is posted on the alt.sources newsgroup. If you
- are looking for particular source code packages, you may post on the
- related alt.sources.wanted newsgroup. Another good place to check is
- the comp.os.linux.announce newsgroup. To get on the Unix sources
- <mailto:unix-sources@pa.dec.com> mailing list, send a subscribe
- message there.
- Archives for the alt.sources newsgroup are at the following ftp sites:
- ╖ ftp.sterling.com/usenet/alt.sources/
- <ftp://ftp.sterling.com/usenet/alt.sources/>
- ╖ wuarchive.wustl.edu/usenet/alt.sources/articles
- <ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/usenet/alt.sources/articles>
- ╖ src.doc.ic.ac.uk/usenet/alt.sources/articles
- <ftp://src.doc.ic.ac.uk/usenet/alt.sources/articles>
- 10. Final Words
- To sum up, persistence makes all the difference (and a high
- frustration threshold certainly helps). As in all endeavors, learning
- from mistakes is critically important. Each misstep, every failure
- contributes to the body of knowledge that will lead to mastery of the
- art of building software.
- 11. References and Further Reading
- BORLAND C++ TOOLS AND UTILITIES GUIDE, Borland International, 1992,
- pp. 9-42.
- [One of the manuals distributed with Borland C++, ver. 3.1. Gives
- a fairly good intro to make syntax and concepts, using Borland's
- crippled implementation for DOS.]
- DuBois, Paul: SOFTWARE PORTABILITY WITH IMAKE, O'Reilly and Associates,
- 1996, ISBN 1-56592-226-3.
- [This is reputed to be the definitive imake reference, though I did not
- have it available when writing this article.]
- Associates, 1995, ISBN 1-56592-127-5.
- [This otherwise excellent sys admin handbook has only sketchy coverage
- of software building.]
- Lehey, Greg: PORTING UNIX SOFTWARE, O'Reilly and Associates, 1995, ISBN
- 1-56592-126-7.
- Mui, Linda and Valerie Quercia: X USER TOOLS, O'Reilly and Associates,
- 1994, ISBN 1-56592-019-8, pp. 734-760.
- Oram, Andrew and Steve Talbott: MANAGING PROJECTS WITH MAKE, O'Reilly
- and Associates, 1991, ISBN 0-937175-90-0.
- Peek, Jerry and Tim O'Reilly and Mike Loukides: UNIX POWER TOOLS,
- O'Reilly and Associates / Random House, 1997, ISBN 1-56592-260-3.
- [A wonderful source of ideas, and tons of utilities you may end up
- building from the source code, using the methods discussed in
- this article.]
- Stallman, Richard M. and Roland McGrath: GNU MAKE, Free Software
- Foundation, 1995, ISBN 1-882114-78-7.
- [Should be required reading.]
- Welsh, Matt and Lar Kaufman: RUNNING LINUX, O'Reilly and Associates,
- 1996, ISBN 1-56592-151-8.
- [Still the best overall Linux reference, though lacking in depth
- in some areas.]
- And, of course, the man pages for make, imake, xmkmf, gcc, ldconfig,
- gzip, tar, and patch.